Wednesday, 27 August 2008

Cabin Fever
by Muppet Treasure Island
"I'd like to get my hands on
Whoever wrote this script!"

I desperately wanted to get the actual clip from the film but this is a song blog and so it is the song that matters. I found this one, which is a POTC fan-video. So there is a short clip at the beginning...

Anyway, I have a really adoration of this song because when I was little, my friend Sophie and I used to watch Muppet Treasure Island a lot and we used to play the video game. I got a bit older and I never really grew out of it and I think it stuck to my dad as well. It's still a fairly common occurance that we'll say, out of the blue "I've got Cabin Fever!" "I've got it TOO!"

Listen to it here!
Then you may thank me profusely.