Sunday, 16 November 2008

by I Am Kloot
"Forget all about fact
"Evoke the rich tapestry of love and devotion,
Emote the sweet saccharine of all that devotion,
Forget all about that and fall in this ocean with me..."

I got into I Am Kloot after listening to From Your Favourite Sky in my step-dad's car. I love how broad the accent is. Phwoar. Anyway, I'm not really sure why I picked this one out of all of their songs. I think I have posted From Your Favourite Sky before. And I love Dark Star but that wasn't on YouTube. Um, but Twist is a pretty gross song really. It's got some hint at domestic abuse in it but then all of their songs have a certain darkness to them. Dark Star especially.

I love the tone to this.

Listen to it here
And have a nice day!