Friday, 3 October 2008

The Day Before You Came
"It's funny but I had no sense of living without aim
The day before you came

This song makes me a little teary, because it puts this incredible importance on the person in question (although cancer has been suggested by some fans?) , and how this mundane and structured life is just turned upside-down. I love the idea of the vast change that this turning point has on the character. I think also, I find the song quite intense because the vocals are so impressive. I think ABBA have always had that quality - the vocals were always a real tribute to their talent.

Either way, this is definitely my favourite ABBA track, perhaps because it has a lot of depth and raw emotion in it. God knows that happy music is a beautiful thing but I can't help being attracted to the more melancholy side of music.

I hope you enjoy the song - and also, that you enjoy the student video. It's not very well shot but you've still got to love student videos!

Listen to it here!
Then you may thank me profusely.