Monday, 13 October 2008

My Sweet Prince
by Placebo
"Me and the dragon can chase all the pain away"

Another Placebo song, I know. But I just can't help it. I was listening to Without You I'm Nothing today which is probably my favourite album because it has this track on it as well as my absolute favourite Every Me Every You. I remember when I first watched Cruel Intentions (which opens with Every Me Every You) and I instantly adored that film for that song being in it. At the time I was a huge Placebo fan and so anything Placebo related was automatically deemed heavenly. Which is why I started listening to The Eels and The Pixies.

But less about that song and more about this one. I love the simplicity and the sadness in this song. It's gorgeous how desperately depressing this song is. I read an interview with Brian once and he said that this song is about his addiction and infatuation with drugs. Although another thing I heard was that a female friend of his wrote the chorus lyrics on the mirror in lipstick before leaving. Which would be "My sweet prince; you are the one".

But I think this is the kind of song that you can let speak for itself really. It means so many different things to me!

Listen to it here!
Then you may thank me profusely.