Dark and Long
by Underworld
"Screaming into the eye of the lens"
by Underworld
"Screaming into the eye of the lens"
I bought Dubnobasswithmyheadman years ago when I saw it really cheap in Woolworths. It was easily the best find of the millenia. However, I only bought it for track six 'Dirty Epic' because I only had an edited version and this one was a full-length version. So I salvaged it and put it on my MP3 player, rather neglecting the rest of it. Then about a week ago, I put the album on in my room. I had all the lights off so the only light was from my laptop and it was just a gorgeous experience, listening to it from start to finish. And out of all of the tracks I think this one is my favourite. Having said that, there is a track called Tongue which is really relaxing. I love this strand of trance dance... it's so soothing. I can just lie in bed in the dark and listen to it and have all these different images wash over me.
I realise that it's not really to everyone's taste but I seriously recommend it; just lying down, in the dark, listening to Underworld.