Tokyo Moon
by Windmill
"The drugs were doing things you already could"
by Windmill
"The drugs were doing things you already could"
I pinched this album from Sam because the front cover was really lovely. So pinchy pinchy, listen listen and now love love. Love love love love love. His voice is really crazy but I got used to it really really quickly. I quite like high pitched male voices though to be honest... which is why I love Ben Gibbard and Brian Molko's voices.
But in all honesty I was feeling absolutely awful last night and I listened to this album on repeat for about six hours whilst writing a really boring essay and by the end of it I just felt relaxed and content. I love music that can do that to me... mellow me out a bit. God knows I need to be a bit mellower. I absolutely love the song Fluorescent Lights. It's so overwhelming. There's something about this album that puts me in mind of Sigor Ros or Death Cab. I think it's how it all builds up in the background.
But in all honesty I was feeling absolutely awful last night and I listened to this album on repeat for about six hours whilst writing a really boring essay and by the end of it I just felt relaxed and content. I love music that can do that to me... mellow me out a bit. God knows I need to be a bit mellower. I absolutely love the song Fluorescent Lights. It's so overwhelming. There's something about this album that puts me in mind of Sigor Ros or Death Cab. I think it's how it all builds up in the background.