Harrowdown Hill
by Thom Yorke
"And where's the blood?"
This song is very macabre. It was written about David Kelly who I've actually heard a fair bit about recently, as Sam's mum was telling me about the book she read about him. And this song looks at the big question over him; did he really commit suicide? And if not, what happened? The echo in the vocals gives the song this perfect eeriness, considering the subject matter. And the lyrics are haunting.
You will be dispensed with
When you've become inconvenient
In the harrowdown hill
Where you went to school
That's where I am
That's where I'm lying down
In a way it reminds me of The Smiths'
Suffer Litttle Children. It's the eerieness and the beyond-the-grave feel. Plus, the mention of the school gives it a far more poignant edge. It really brings the idea that this was a real person with a family and a past. I love the anger that is conveyed at the injustice of a person's life being taken so lightly, murdered or not. Because of course, regardless of whether or not there was foul play, his name shouldn't have been released to the public.
I can't take their pressure
No one cares if you live or die
They just want me gone
I really adore the rhythm in this one too. But my favourite bit is easily the little piano interlude at 3:37. The way it stands out and the gentle sound of it strikes me as being like a looming question in the back of your mind. It's so gorgeous and subtle but it adds so much to the dynamic of the song overall.
We think the same things at the same time
We just cant do anything about it
We think the same things at the same time
There are too many of us
So you can't count
I think this was Thom's first official solo release, actually. I might be wrong but I'm fairly certain that it was. And honestly, I think it's utterly striking and even more powerful than a lot of Radiohead's work. This song really sticks with you and makes an impression. This has been a really long song blog! I hope you listen to and enjoy the song because it really is exceptional!